Caring for children with disabilities is physically demanding, emotionally draining, mentally challenging and  very often,  unrecognized and under appreciated work.   It is not a field that anyone enters to get rich or famous.  


What this means though, is that those who choose to work in this field are in it for all the RIGHT reasons.


Everyday they hope, they believe, they encourage and they support others.   They are passionate about human potential.  


They find satisfaction in even the smallest of positive changes they can bring to the lives of these children and they KNOW that their work matters in the lives of others.  


They are believers in the importance of serving our shared humanity. 


First Step Georgia exists only because of the compassion, dedication and generosity of so many people:

The founders who saw the need and acted;

the staff and management of FSG who get up every single day with new energy and the mission to make a difference for these children;

the donors and partners, who provide the financial support and resources that allow this work to happen;

the advisory boards, who give their time and experience to guide and seek new support for this very important place.